AssetWise Inspections

Recover Deleted Items

The Recover Deleted Items tool, located in the Administration module, allows the admin to recover deleted reports, assets, and users, (and if used) projects, work specifications, and supplemental work specifications. This ensures that accidentally deleted items can be restored without needing to contact support or enter a support ticket and removes the potential for permanent loss due to mistaken deletion.

The Items dropdown in the top left corner of the page allows the admin to determine which deleted items to review: reports, assets, or users, (and if used) projects, work specifications, or supplemental work specifications.

Note: Only one item type can be restored at a time. Making selections and then switching the item type prior to restoring will unselect those selections.

Once the desired selections have been made for the item type, click the Restore Selected [Items] button in the top right corner of the screen to recover the selected items and return them to the position they had in the system prior to the deletion.

Click the Export Results to Excel button to view items in the grid in spreadsheet format.